Cryptofication of financial institutions and banks

The Cryptofication of Financial Institutions

With cryptocurrency taking the world by storm, it is little surprise to hear that financial institutions such as banks are beginning to respond to this trend. In other words, the cryptofication of banks is officially in full swing. American Banker surveyed one hundred and seventy-five top financial executives to better understand how many banks are taking […]

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Decentralized Finance Technology

DeFi-Decentralized Finance Technology

Decentralized finance, widely known as DeFi, have you heard about this collective term when talking about cryptocurrency investment? As our lives become more and more immersed in technology, certain traditions are being done away with. Much like every industry out there, banking is embracing technology. From online banking, we have come a long way, which […]

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The impact of free trade

Free Trade – Is It a Better Solution?

Free trade is a policy that allows the two countries to trade their goods with few restrictions or limitations. Literally, it is the unrestricted importation and exportation of goods and services between countries. Its policy, there no tariffs, taxes, or duties on imports and exports to impose by the involved governments. In March, President Donald […]

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Invasion of Technology in Finance

The Invasion of Technology in Finance Industry

The invasion of technology in finance has changed the ways of financial firms when they embraced the need for adaptation. Indeed, the finance industry is becoming more dependent on automation every day. Financial firms use machine learning to assist with everything from process automation to algorithmic trading, enabling them to reduce operational costs, increase revenue, […]

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microfinance solution

Microfinance – Is It a Better Solution?

Microfinance or microcredit is considered the best solution to help alleviate poverty among those low-income families or help small business owners to thrive and survive.  But the question is- does microfinance actually work as a sustainable solution? Let’s have a brief look at it. For many, escaping poverty requires more resources than they have access […]

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financial date decision-eady

Financial Data Needs to be Decision-Ready

Delivering Financial Data The one-size-fits-all centralized data governance model has run its course in the financial industry. There is a need for a more efficient and that serves business better. Governance should be allowed to be distributed to data owners where appropriate, which would help the finance function optimize data to make decisions. Decision-readiness is […]

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The Paradigm Shift in Marketing Trends

Marketing Trends Shifting in the Time of Covid19 Season

The Intersection of Marketing Trends and COVID-19 The creation of accessible tools to segment and reach out to audiences has made the marketing industry more competitive than ever before. With consumer behavior thoroughly mapped and quantified, marketers have an easier time determining their messaging and ensuring their budget doesn’t go to waste. However, even the […]

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Virtual Power Plant Image Cover

Efficient Virtual Power Plants Explained

 Virtual Power Plants (VPP) Explained An increasingly networked world has given rise to more decentralized power infrastructure. These virtual power plants (VPPs)  are made up of remotely-managed smaller units, many of which make use of renewable energy. Virtual power plants provide a degree of flexibility unheard of in traditional plants, allowing for easier management not […]

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